"A fast-growing kelp from the Far East has spread along the California coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco Bay, worrying marine scientists and outpacing eradication efforts."
"TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Long dependent on wellwater and supplies sent hundreds of miles by canal from the Colorado River, this desert city will soon harvest some of its 12 inches of annual rainfall to help bolster its water resources."
The Center for Biological Diversity has filed the federal lawsuit on ocean acidification, charging that the EPA has failed to comply with its mandate under the Clean Water Act to protect Washington State’s ocean waters from excessive CO2.
"When you hear about dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes, they’re largely caused by pollution draining from the farm belt. It can take a long time and a lot of money to reduce pollution at factories. So they’re starting to pay farmers to cut pollution instead."
Proposed legislation would repeal a provision allowing secrecy over chemicals injected underground during high-tech gas drilling — such as benzene and toluene, which are known to be toxic.
"An El Nino weather pattern this year appears almost certain, Australia's Bureau of Meteorology said on Wednesday in a revised forecast, raising the prospect of drought in Australia and a even weaker monsoon in India."
"A bill introduced earlier this month would bring federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing fluids -- chemical mixtures pumped at high pressure into oil and gas wells in order to unlock deposits trapped deep underground."
The Canadian Institute's conference will offer an in-depth look at how Canadian and U.S. carbon initiatives compare and contrast, and the most up-to-date carbon policy information from both sides of the border.
The Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources will, for the first time, conduct SEJ's Post-Conference Tour, Oct 11-14, 2009. Journalists chosen as fellows will explore several newsworthy destinations in northern Wisconsin. Apply by: August 10, 2009.
When governments or communities pay to replenish beaches along privately owned beachfront property — or create new beaches by trucking in sand — what does that mean for the landowners' waterfront rights and property value?