
Judge Blocks Rosemont Copper Mine, Overturning Forest Service Decision

"A federal judge blocked construction of a giant copper mine in Arizona’s Coronado National Forest, overturning a decision by the federal government and handing a major victory to environmental groups and tribes that have been fighting plans for the mine."

Source: Arizona Republic, 08/02/2019

"Forest Service To Change Sage Grouse Protections In 5 States"

"Plans for protecting sage grouse in five Western states are being changed in ways that will conserve habitat while allowing ranchers to maintain their livelihoods, federal officials said Thursday. ... Environmental groups blasted the plan based on the Forest Service’s three-bullet-point summary released Thursday ...."

Source: AP, 08/02/2019

Court Strikes Down Fish & Wildlife Permit For Atlantic Coast Pipeline

"Dominion Energy’s hopes for resuming construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline have run into a new obstacle erected by a federal appeals court panel in Richmond that threw out a federal permit on Friday because it failed to adequately protect endangered or threatened species in the path of the 605-mile project."

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 07/29/2019


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