"Air Pollution May Affect Sperm Quality, Says Study"

"Research into samples of 30,000 men in China suggests ability of sperm to swim in right direction could be affected".

"Air pollution may affect semen quality, specifically sperm motility — the ability of sperm to swim in the right direction — according to a new study analysing the sperm of over 30,000 men in China.

The research, published today in the journal JAMA Networks, also suggests that the smaller the size of the polluting particles in the air, the greater the link with poor semen quality.

“Our findings suggest that smaller particulate matter size fractions may be more potent than larger fractions in inducing poor sperm motility,” wrote the authors of the paper. The researchers believe that these findings highlight yet another reason for the need to reduce exposure to air pollution among men in their reproductive age."

Sofia Quaglia reports for the Guardian February 17, 2022.

Source: Guardian, 02/18/2022