"Air Pollution: Partial Redo Ordered On Obama EPA 'Good Neighbor' Rule"

"EPA must go back to the drawing board on part of its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule update, a panel of federal judges ruled today [Friday].

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sided with environmentalists' claim that the Obama-era Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) update is inconsistent with Clean Air Act attainment deadlines but tossed other arguments.

The regulation, which the Trump administration defended, was designed to reduce coal-fired power plant pollution that drifts across state lines and causes ozone problems for downwind neighbors. It targets emissions of nitrogen oxides in 22 states whose own plans to reduce cross-state pollution fell short of EPA's standards."

Ellen M. Gilmer reports for Greenwire September 13, 2019.

Source: Greenwire, 09/16/2019