Amount Of Ocean Heat Found To Be Accelerating And Fuelling Extreme Weather

"The rate of warming in the top 2km has doubled from levels in the 1960s, review finds"

"The amount of heat accumulating in the ocean is accelerating and penetrating ever deeper, with widespread effects on extreme weather events and marine life, according to a new scientific review.

One of the report’s authors said the devastating floods in eastern Australia had likely been made worse by warming oceans. The risks would continue to rise as the ocean took up more heat, the report said.

More than 90% of the heat caused by adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels is taken up by the ocean.

The rate of warming in the top 2km has doubled from levels in the 1960s, the article in the journal Nature Reviews: Earth and Environment said."

Graham Readfearn reports for the Guardian October 18, 2022.

Source: Guardian, 10/19/2022