Arizona Loses One-Fifth Of Its Colorado R. Allocation Under New Fed Plan

"The federal government will impose deeper cuts on the drought-stricken Colorado River, officials said on Tuesday, reducing water deliveries to Arizona by one-fifth starting in January.

The Bureau of Reclamation announced what it called "urgent action" as water levels in the river's two largest reservoirs continue to drop. Under the steps outlined Tuesday, Arizona will lose 592,000 acre-feet of its river allocation in 2023, which represents 21% of its usual delivery. That's an increase of 80,000 acre-feet from the 2022 cuts.

The additional cuts will come from the non-Indian agricultural water allocations, which includes farmers and some tribes, said Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke.

Nevada will give up 25,000 acre-feet, about 8% of its allocation, and Mexico's share will be cut by 104,000 acre-feet, or 7% of its allocation. California will not lose any of its share under the blueprint released Tuesday."

Debra Utacia Krol reports for the Arizona Republic August 16, 2022.


"Colorado River States Fail To Meet Federal Deadline On Restricting Water Use" (KUNC)

"U.S. Spares Western States From Colorado River Water Cuts - For Now" (Reuters)

"A New Round of Colorado River Cuts Is Announced" (New York Times)

"Southwestern States Face Steeper Water Cuts As Drought Plagues Colorado River Basin" (HuffPost)

"US Issues Western Water Cuts As Drought Leaves Colorado River Near ‘Tipping Point’" (Guardian)

"As Talks On Colorado River Water Falter, U.S. Government Imposes New Restrictions" (Los Angeles Times)

"How The Western Drought Is Pushing The Power Grid To The Brink" (Vox)

Source: Arizona Republic, 08/17/2022