"Beyond Ecology: The Trees At The Heart Of Our Culture"

"From Ireland to the Amazon to Kenya, trees can hold traditional or even sacred value. DW takes a look at trees and forests of cultural importance to communities around the world. Some are under threat."

"There are numerous ecological reasons to conserve trees. They provide shelter to animals, regulate soil fertility, and are vital to combatting the climate crisis because they absorb greenhouse gasses.

Trees and forests also hold deep cultural significance to people around the globe.  

It isn't uncommon to see lone hawthorns in the middle of fields in Ireland. Some farmers won't fell these wild trees because of a superstition that dates back to prehistoric times, when pagans worshiped nature. The sacred hawthorn was thought to house fairies that could bring bad luck onto people that wronged them.

But that doesn't stop many others from enjoying its white blooms in May and June. Traditionally, people bring a hawthorn branch back to their gardens around this time of year to decorate with egg shells and blossoms."

Beatrice Christofaro reports for DW April 25, 2022.

Source: DW, 04/26/2022