"Biden and NASA Share First Webb Space Telescope Image"

"From the White House on Monday, humanity got its first glimpse of what the observatory in space has been seeing: a cluster of early galaxies."

"In a brief event at the White House on Monday evening, President Biden unveiled an image that NASA and astronomers hailed as the deepest view yet into our universe’s past.

The image, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope — the largest space telescope ever built — showed a distant patch of sky in which fledgling galaxies were burning their way into visibility just 600 million years after the Big Bang.

“This is the oldest documented light in the history of the universe from 13 billion — let me say that again, 13 billion — years ago,” Mr. Biden said. The president, who apologized for beginning the event tardily, praised NASA for its work that enabled the telescope and the imagery it will produce."

Dennis Overbye, Kenneth Chang, and Jim Tankersley report for the New York Times July 11, 2022.

Source: NYTimes, 07/12/2022