"Bird Flu Found in Dolphin in Florida and Porpoise in Sweden"

"The findings represent the first time a highly pathogenic form of the virus, which has devastated bird populations this year, has been detected in cetaceans."

"A bottlenose dolphin found dead in a Florida canal this past spring tested positive for a highly virulent strain of bird flu, scientists said on Wednesday. The announcement came a week after Swedish officials reported that they had found the same type of avian influenza in a stranded porpoise.

This version of the virus, which has spread widely among North American and European birds, has affected an unusually broad array of species. But these findings represent the first two documented cases in cetaceans, a group of marine mammals that includes dolphins, porpoises and whales.

It is too soon to say how commonly the virus infects cetaceans, but its discovery in two different species on two different continents suggests that there have “almost certainly” been other cases, said Richard Webby, an influenza virologist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis."

Emily Anthes reports for the New York Times September 7, 2022.

Source: NYTimes, 09/08/2022