"Books For Adapting Cities To Climate Change"

"Equitable urban design can help these major population centers respond to and mitigate climate change"

"When the world finally faces up to the challenge of climate change, cities will be important players

According to the World Bank, 56% of the planet’s human population already resides in urban areas, by 2050 “nearly seven out of 10 people will live in cities.”

It was in 2016 that Yale Climate Connections first focused on the roles cities have played and can play in causing and solving the climate crisis, highlighting 18 recently published books and reports in two paired bookshelves. (See here and here.) Many, many books and reports have been published since then, including 12 in the last year alone. It’s well past time for an update.

This month’s new list begins with an elegant overview, a nuts-and-bolts primer, and an eco-engineer’s prescription for the sustainable city."

Michael Svoboda reports for Yale Climate Connections July 19, 2024.

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 07/22/2024