"Bullet Proof"

"Lead bullets still dominate the U.S. ammunition market despite ample evidence showing that they pose real environmental and health risks. Why? "

"“Eyes and ears,” Leland Brown calls out. “We’re going hot!” We pull on our safety glasses and earmuffs, though neither prevents the concussive blast to our chests as Jeff Yanke pulls the trigger of his Ruger M77 rifle, sending a bullet coursing towards the back end of a 50-gallon rain barrel.

The white plastic drum, flanked by a menagerie of more traditional steel targets depicting a coyote, a chicken, and a pig rests horizontally on a wooden cradle 100 yards downrange. A round hole is cut into its bottom, which faces Yanke, and inside the barrel are five plastic, one-gallon jugs. Each jug is filled with water and arranged in a line, front to back, ready to absorb the incoming round — a crude but effective enough proxy for the dense hide of a game animal.

Yanke reloads and resights his rifle, then fires a second bullet into the hole at the bottom of a neighboring barrel. Another puff of gunpowder fills the air, and the experiment is over."

Lynne Peeples reports for Undark January 30, 2017.

Source: Undark, 01/30/2017