Chemical Spill At Compton Plastics Factory Triggers Odor Complaints

"More than 200 odor complaints poured in to air quality regulators Thursday after a bag containing a chemical used to make plastic sheeting broke open at a Compton plant in the early morning, prompting investigations.

The incident began around 1:30 a.m. when a roughly 300-pound bag of the chemical was placed into an oven at the Plaskolite plant, according to Roger Hamilton, the company’s vice president of operations. The bag split open around 3:30 a.m. and started emitting a strong odor.

The leaked chemical is methyl methacrylate, or MMA, which is also used in superglue, Hamilton said."

Lila Seidman reports for the Los Angeles Times March 24, 2022.

Source: LA Times, 03/28/2022