"China’s Climate Change Plan Raises Questions"

"BEIJING — When the presidents of China and the United States pledged on Wednesday to reduce or limit carbon dioxide emissions, analysts and policy advisers said, the two leaders sent an important signal: that the world’s largest economies were willing to work together on climate change.

'This is a very serious international commitment between the two heavy hitters,' said Li Shuo, who researches climate and coal policy for Greenpeace East Asia.

Still, many questions surround China’s plans, which President Xi Jinping announced in Beijing alongside President Obama after months of negotiations. In essence, experts asked, do the pledges go far enough, and how will China achieve them?"

Edward Wong reports for the New York Times November 12, 2014.


"China-US Climate Pact 'Heartening' But Short of What's Needed: IPCC" (Reuters)

"Scientists: US-China Pact Won't Slow Warming Much" (AP)

"The U.S.-China Climate Commitments Are Game Changing — And Not Nearly Enough" (Mashable)

Source: NY Times, 11/13/2014