"Congress Is About To Let the Land And Water Conservation Fund Lapse"

"A popular fund that has supported hundreds of parks around the country is set to go away in less than two weeks, and Congressional dithering is to blame.

That’s the essence of a charge by House Democrats who say the Congressional majority is making no move to reauthorize the fund, despite its history of broad support among both political parties for half a century.

Several Democrats took to the House floor on Wednesday night to call on leaders of the House Natural Resources Committee to allow a vote on reauthorizing the program, called the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Bills that would permanently authorize the LWCF, as the program is called, have been introduced with bipartisan backing in both legislative chambers, but there have been no hearings and no move to schedule votes on the House side."

Joby Warrick reports for the Washington Post September 17, 2015.

Source: Wash Post, 09/18/2015