"The Army Corps of Engineers dealt a blow to the progress of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday, saying in a letter that more analysis and discussion with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe is needed before construction can take place under the Missouri River.
The company behind the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, needs an easement, or permission, from the Corps in order to drill under Lake Oahe — on the Missouri River — to finish the oil pipeline along its proposed route.
Energy Transfer Partners had been waiting on a decision from the Army Corps since September when they launched a review of a requested easement. "
Daniel A. Medina and Chiara Sottile report for NBC News November 14, 2016.
"Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Planned Across United States" (Reuters)
"Statement Regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline" (Army/DOI)
"Man Pulls a Gun and Drives Through Pipeline Protesters" (Mother Jones)
Corps Says Pipeline Construction Can't Continue Without Tribe Input
Source: NBC News, 11/15/2016