"Dark Money Group Aiding Cornel West Has Ties To Utility Operative"

"A lawyer tied to secret funding of spoiler candidates in Florida is more evidence West’s biggest backers are people who want Trump to win".

"Cornel West’s long-shot bid to become president of the United States is receiving assistance from unusual sources.

West, a civil rights advocate and academic, has been polling in low single digits nationally. But his presence on the ballot in swing states could determine the winner of the 2024 presidential contest by siphoning votes from Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.

Aiding West in his quest to become president is a shadowy nonprofit registered by Republican operatives in Virginia and represented by an Alabama lawyer with a history of helping power companies attack their political opponents. The group is assisting the West campaign in Arizona, North Carolina and Alabama, Floodlight has learned.

The attorney, Paul Hamrick, says the nonprofit group, People Over Party, has helped other third-party candidates this cycle with ballot access both in the presidential contests and in down-ballot campaigns.

Asked if People over Party was being funded by money from power companies, Hamrick said, “I would be surprised. I don’t unequivocally know, but I don’t think so.”"

Mario Alejandro Ariza reports for Floodlight August 27, 2024.

Source: Floodlight, 09/04/2024