Droughts, Fires, Floods: Could Climate Change Decide Australian Election?

"Australia, a major coal exporter and one of the worst per capita emitters, goes to the polls Saturday. The result could be decisive for global climate goals, as voters demand lawmakers do more to cut emissions."

"The results of the Australian election this Saturday will set the climate agenda for one of the planet's worst per-capita CO2 emitters. It comes as the world faces a rapidly closing window to stop the most severe impacts of climate change.

The country, dubbed a "wrecker" at climate change negotiations, is a major exporter of fossil fuels, largely to East Asia and India. It has been criticized for grossly insufficient climate targets by the UK and US as well as its neighboring Pacific nations who could see their homes disappear as sea levels rise.

At the same time, polls clearly show voters back stronger climate action in the "sunburned land," having already experienced deadly and costly flooding and wildfires linked to climate change in recent years. Some big businesses, once against emissions cuts, have also done a U-turn on climate policy. The country is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis."

Alistair Walsh reports for DW May 18, 2022.

Source: DW, 05/19/2022