"Environmental Groups Sue EPA Over State Air Pollution Plans"

"Four environmental organizations filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), alleging it has failed to properly enforce the Clean Air Act’s Regional Haze Rule.

The EPA amended the rule in 2017, extending the window in which states could submit air pollution reduction plans through July 2021. However, as of April 2022, 34 states have not submitted their plans, according to the lawsuit.

Under the rule, all states are required to develop regional haze plans to prevent air pollution that affects visibility in national parks, wildlife refuges and other wilderness areas. Under the text of the rule, the EPA is required to issue a determination of failure to submit to states within six months of the deadline, which would have been Jan. 31 of this year."

Zack Budryk reports for The Hill April 14, 2022.

Source: The Hill, 04/15/2022