"EPA, NJ Announce $588M In Water Infrastructure Spending"

"MOORESTOWN, N.J. — More than half a billion dollars in federal and state funds will go to nearly 30 water systems in New Jersey, serving about 6 million residents, or about two-thirds of the state’s population, officials said Friday.

The combined federal and state funding of $588 million in low-interest loans will cover an array of projects: In Newark, the state’s biggest city, some $25 million will go toward lead service line replacement; in suburban Philadelphia’s Moorestown at the North Church Street Water Treatment Plant, where officials unveiled the funding on Friday, about $20 million will cover new filters to remove radium and other toxins from water; in rural Clinton, a water system is getting almost $3 million as part of a water main extension project.

The announcement is the latest orchestrated this year by Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s and President Joe Biden’s administrations to retool and repair crumbling infrastructure. Vice President Kamala Harris made a stop in Newark in February to highlight the city’s efforts at removing lead pipes."

Mike Catalini reports for the Associated Press May 20, 2022.


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Source: AP, 05/23/2022