"EPA Would See Highest Funding Ever Under Biden Budget Plan"

"President Joe Biden wants to boost the EPA’s budget by 28.8%—its highest level ever—including significant hikes for environmental justice plus boosts for staffing and longstanding air, water, and chemicals programs.

At $11.9 billion, the White House’s fiscal 2023 budget request for the Environmental Protection Agency matches Biden’s many environmental commitments and would pump life into an agency the Trump administration sought to diminish.

Included in Biden’s budget plan is funding for the EPA to hire 1,900 new employees. The request would boost the agency’s ranks by 13.3% from fiscal 2021 levels, growing it to 16,200 employees—its highest level in 11 years.

EPA’s fiscal 2021 enacted budget was $9.2 billion. The requested increase in the proposal is compared to the fiscal 2021 spending level, which agencies were operating under with some adjustments until passage of this month’s fiscal 2022 spending law."

Stephen Lee, Pat Rizzuto, Dean Scott, and Jennifer Hijazi report for Bloomberg Environment March 29, 2022.


"Biden Budget Proposal Includes Nearly $2 Billion Increase For EPA" (The Hill)

"Biden Touts Budget Plan’s Clean Energy, Climate Spending" (E&E News)

"Inside Biden’s $5.8T Budget: More For Climate, Clean Energy" (E&E News)

"How Biden’s Budget Would Change The Energy Sector" (E&E News)

"Biden Pitches Record Everglades Funding, But GOP Wants More" (E&E News)

"7 Numbers To Know In Biden’s Budget Plan" (E&E News)

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/29/2022