"'Forgotten People': Sundarbans' Climate Refugees Forced To Move Again"

"Sagar Island in India's Sundarbans delta has been the destination for climate refugees from neighboring islands. Now it too is succumbing to rising sea levels."

"For over a year, Gangadhar Bor has planned his life around the rising tide. Each full moon, he moves from his tin-roofed, one-room brick home to a makeshift hut of bamboo and tarpaulin raised a few meters above the ground.

With the high tide, the Muri Ganga River breaches the embankments that are supposed to protect Bor's village of Bankimnagar, on the coast of India's Sagar Island. Water surges in a hundred meters, and villagers must wait for it to recede before they can return home.

"It is now a way of life," Bor says.

Sagar Island lies at the western end of the Sundarbans, where the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers converge, and smaller tributaries lace the world's largest mangrove forest. Covering a total area of 40,000 square kilometers (15,444 square miles), the delta stretches across Bangladesh in the east and the Indian state of West Bengal in the west."

Dipanjan Sinha reports for DW March 21, 2022.

Source: DW, 04/04/2022