House Democrats Advance Bill To Require New USPS Delivery Vehicle Review

"WASHINGTON - A U.S. House of Representatives committee on Wednesday approved a bill that seeks to invalidate a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) environmental review conducted as part of a deal to buy 50,000 mostly gas-powered next-generation delivery vehicles.

House Oversight and Reform chair Carolyn Maloney said the bill would help USPS transition its "gas guzzling fleet to electric vehicles" and argued the USPS review that supported the purchases was faulty.

Critics of the USPS plan want the postal service to buy more zero-emission electric delivery trucks. The White House and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have unsuccessfully asked the USPS to reconsider the deal.

The bill would toss out the USPS environmental impact statement and compel it to conduct a new one. House Republican James Comer said the bill would cause a "reckless delay" in new USPS vehicles."

David Shepardson reports for Reuters May 11, 2022.


"Democrats Want Investigation Into Postal Service’s Gas Guzzlers Contract" (New York Times)

"House Democrats Tell USPS To ‘Go Back To The Drawing Board’ On Electric Vehicle Cost Analysis" (Federal News Network)

Source: Reuters, 05/12/2022