"The US Chamber of Commerce violated its own rules to reach a climate change position that has driven companies out of its fold. That is the picture painted by interviews with current and former US Chamber board members, several of whom divulged new revelations about the Chamber's internal climate controversy. Key portions of the Chamber's climate stance were set unilaterally by a staff member. And Chamber members were led to believe that there was not forum for them to seek to change the group's climate policies. According to one company, members of USCAP met with Chamber President Tom Donohue to ask him to change the group's climate stance and were rebuffed."
Josh Harkinson reports for Mother Jones October 7, 2009.
See Also:
"Defiant Chamber Chief Says ‘Bring ’Em On’" (New York Times)
"Inside the Chamber of Carbon"
Source: Mother Jones, 10/09/2009