"Kerry: US 'On Track' To Meet Its Copenhagen Goals"

"One takeaway from the Administration’s 2014 Climate Action Report is that for a host of reasons, some planned and some by luck/market forces, the US is in a better place in greenhouse gas emissions than it was in 2005."

"'I’m proud to say that we are closer than we’ve ever been to a breakthrough', said Secretary of State John Kerry in the preface to the 2014 U.S. Climate Action Report. Citing a 6.5 drop in GHG emissions from 2005, Secretary Kerry said 'President Obama’s Climate Action Plan will keep the US on track to reach our goal of reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions [by] 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.'

Put another way: the US is now in a place where it can close the emissions gap with regulatory authority like power plant carbon rules, support for renewables, methane emissions rules, etc. The 17 percent goal is at least within sighting distance."

David Wogan reports for Scientific American January 5, 2014.


"Kerry Quietly Makes Priority of Climate Pact" (New York Times)

"Climate Change Is New Enemy For Kerry In Vietnam" (AP)

"Submission of the 2014 Climate Action Report" (State Department Release of 1/2/14)

"With A Bit of Luck, the U.S. Could Actually Hit Its 2020 Climate Change Goals" (Washington Post/Wonkblog)

Source: Scientific American, 01/06/2014