A New Trump-Tied PAC Enters War Against Biden’s Conservation Goals

"Sagebrush Rebellion PAC, led by former Trump officials, is making a documentary starring the most rabid opponents of the "30x30" initiative."

"A new political action committee run by two former Trump administration officials is marking its territory in a disinformation-rich campaign against the Biden administration’s goal of conserving 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030, known informally as “30x30.”

Sagebrush Rebellion PAC, named after the anti-government Sagebrush Rebellion movement that started in the 1970s and sought to remove lands from federal control, quietly surfaced late last year. It has deep connections to Trumpworld and has joined a growing coalition of right-wing organizations and elected officials sowing fear in rural communities with false, conspiratorial claims about how Biden’s government is planning to confiscate private property or use deceptive tactics to gain control of private land to meet the 30x30 target.

On its cowboy-heavy website, Sagebrush Rebellion boasts of being “made up of grassroots fighters who are not beholden to Washington’s inner circles” and says it is “committed to gutting incompetent and corrupt leaders from the political process.” Its priorities include dismantling federal land management agencies and transferring control of federal lands to the states, as well as a laundry list of fossil fuel-centric energy policies that looks like something pulled directly from an oil and gas trade group’s website."

Chris D'Angelo reports for HuffPost May. 8, 2022.

Source: HuffPost, 05/11/2022