"New UN Climate Report To Tackle Reining In Emissions"

"The U.N. climate science panel publishes its final report in the current assessment cycle on Monday, and this time will focus on ways of curbing greenhouse gas emissions, although the consensual nature of the reports means it could steer away from the most dramatic warnings.

Hundreds of scientists will have endorsed the findings on climate change as fact. And like all reports by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Monday's will be released only after 195 governments have signed off not just on the findings – but also on how those findings are worded in the report's summary.

That hard-fought global consensus can buttress a report against climate deniers casting doubt on its contents. But the consensus also comes at a cost, scientists say.

Getting everyone to agree on the facts and forecasts means that more confident projections are approved, while less certain scenarios - even if potentially devastating - get downplayed."

Jake Spring reports for Reuters April 1, 2022.


"Scientists Urge End To Fossil Fuel Use As Landmark IPCC Report Readied" (Guardian)

"No Longer A Last Resort: Pulling CO2 From The Air" (AFP/Phys.org)

"Climate Change: Scientists Race To Finish Key IPCC Report" (BBC News)

"Climate Change: Scientists Race To Finish Key IPCC Report" (BBC News)

"Guest Post: How Not To Interpret The Emissions Scenarios In The IPCC Report" (CarbonBrief)

"Dire Warning On Climate Change ‘Is Being Ignored’ Amid War And Economic Turmoil" (Guardian)

"Climate Optimism" (New York Times)

Source: Reuters, 04/04/2022