"Obama-Hollande Meeting May Boost Larger Climate Goals"

"Climate change made the cut as one of four major themes that are key in the U.S.-France relationship, a senior White House official said on Monday."

"On a call with reporters, ahead of a joint press conference and state dinner at the White House on Tuesday, a senior administration official said Obama plans to discuss expanding cooperation on protecting the environment and addressing climate change with French President Francois Hollande.

Obama plans to bring up his new standards for funding of coal-fired power plants overseas, which may be the start of pushing larger climate rules leading into the Paris climate talks in 2015."

Laura Barron-Lopez reports for The Hill's E2 Wire blog February 10, 2014.


"Hollande and Obama Make Joint Call for Climate Accord" (BBC News)

Op-Ed: "Obama and Hollande: France and the U.S. Enjoy a Renewed Alliance" (Washington Post)

"Obama, Hollande Pen Op-Ed Ahead of Visit" (The Hill)

Source: Hill/E2 Wire, 02/11/2014