Opinion: "It’s Time for Journalists to Talk Climate Change Solutions"

"News organizations have gotten better at saying “it’s real” but seem less ready to tell people “there’s hope”"

"After decades of recklessly presenting an issue of science as a two-sided political debate, mainstream news organizations have gotten better at saying “it’s real” and “experts agree.”

Likewise, following decades of reports from the IPCC warning of calamitous fires, droughts, and storms, we’re now adept at highlighting how “bad” things have gotten. ...

We journalists remain terrible, however, at digging into the myriad ways in which “it’s us.”

And we seem even less ready to remind people “there’s hope.”

A study published last year in the journal Global Environmental Change found that only 2% of global climate coverage from 2006 to 2018 focused on clean energy."

John D. Sutter writes for Nieman Reports March 30, 2022.


"How Climate Coverage Can Drive Change" (Nature)

"This 5-Point Plan Will Fix Climate Coverage" (Nation)

"AP Announces Sweeping Climate Journalism Initiative" (AP Release)

"How Should the Media Talk About Climate Change?" (New Yorker)

"How People Access News about Climate Change" (Reuters Institute)

"The Media’s Climate Coverage Is Indefensible" (Current Affairs)

"Why Climate Change Must Stay On The News Agenda Beyond Global Summits" (The Conversation)

"Media and Climate Change Obervatory in the News" (MECCO)

Source: Nieman Reports, 04/05/2022