"Pesticide Label Safeguards Urged for Workers, Endangered Species"

"Pesticide labels should include warnings in Spanish to help protect farmworkers who don’t read English, the Center for Biological Diversity said in a petition for rulemaking to the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.

The group said it was submitting the petition light of the Environmental Protection Agency’s endangered species work plan and efforts to improve its pesticide registration programs.

Virtually no pesticide labels contain adequate warnings in Spanish, the petition said. It asked that labels in California also provide instructions in the indigenous languages spoken by more than 150,000 farmworkers in the state.

Other changes requested were for warning labels for endangered species for all outdoor pesticides, and restricted use of all pesticides in endangered species habitat in Hawaii."

Nyah Phengsitthy reports for Bloomberg Environment May 25, 2022.

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/26/2022