As Record Heat Fries Oklahoma, Inhofe Bails on Climate Denier Rally

"As record-shattering heat cripples Oklahoma, Sen. Jim ('global warming is a hoax') Inhofe (R-OK) failed to show for an fossil-industry-funded climate denial conference. A shrinking band of far-right economists, lawyers, and a few scientists have gathered in Washington, DC, for the Heartland Institute’s sixth International Conference on Climate Change, funded, like Inhofe himself, by Koch Industries and Exxon Mobil. Inhofe was scheduled to be the denier conference’s keynote speaker, but he bailed out, explaining appropriately that he is 'under the weather'"

Brad Johnson reports for Think Progress Green June 30, 2011.


'From Cold War To Global Warming' (Salon)

'James Inhofe: Al Gore Is Right, Obama’s Bailed On Talking About The Environment' (Talking Points Memo)

'Denial-a-Palooza: Where Are All the Scientists That Deniers Love To Talk About?' (DeSmogBlog)

'Denial-a-Palooza 6: Heartland's Sixth International Conference on Climate Change, Courtesy of Koch, Scaife & Exxon' (DeSmogBlog)

'Inhofe Staff Hire Triggers Climate Debate' (Washington Post)

'Will Sen. Inhofe's New Energy Adviser Moderate the Raging Climate Skeptic?' (Greenwire)

'Science Deniers’ Talking Points' (Sightline Daily)

'As Oklahoma Swelters Under Record Heat and Drought, Inhofe Bails on Heartland Denier Conference: ‘I am Under the Weather’' (Think Progress)

'A Funny Thing Happened at the Climate Denier Conference' (Washington Post/PostPartisan blog)

'With Climate Change Denial In Ascendancy, Skeptics Gather In Washington' (Talking Points Memo)

'Climate Skeptics Want Rick Perry To Run, Not Big Christie Fans' (Talking Points Memo)

"Scientists Tout Climate Skepticism at Heartland Conference Kickoff" (Greenwire)

Source: Think Progress, 07/01/2011