"Report Says Michigan 2020 Dam Failures Were 'Preventable'"

"The failure of two Michigan dams that forced evacuation of 10,000 people and destroyed 150 homes was "foreseeable and preventable," resulting from errors and miscalculations over nearly a century, an expert panel said Wednesday.

The Edenville Dam on the Tittabawassee River in central Michigan collapsed May 19, 2020, releasing a torrent that overtopped the downstream Sanford Dam and flooded the city of Midland. Damages exceeded $200 million.

In a 502-page report, a forensic engineering team appointed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission described the Edenville Dam as flawed from the outset. Design and construction shortcomings in the 1920s were followed by years of operating and maintenance deficiencies that finally doomed the structure under pressure from the rain-swollen river."

John Flesher reports for the Associated Press May 5, 2022.

Source: AP, 05/06/2022