"Ryan Zinke Makes His 'Energy Dominance' Pitch To Montanans"

"Ryan Zinke, who led the Interior Department under Donald Trump before resigning under a cloud of ethics investigations, has a good shot at winning Montana's new House seat.

His potential political resurgence shows the lingering influence of Trump's pro-fossil-fuels agenda in a state facing extreme drought fueled by climate change.

Zinke, a former Navy SEAL and House member, is vying to represent Montana’s newly created 1st District in the western part of the state. He's running against four other Republicans in the primary election scheduled for June 7, although he has raised by far the most money of any GOP candidate."

Maxine Joselow reports for the Washington Post with Vanessa Montalbano May 19, 2022.

Source: Washington Post, 05/23/2022