"At night, just after the full moon, teams of scientists dive beneath the waves to study one of the planet’s most prolific and mysterious rites of reproduction.
It’s coral behaving badly — or very nicely, depending on your point of view. Warm ocean waters suddenly teem with trillions of eggs and sperm that swirl in the currents and merge to form new life, a profligate frenzy that can leave the ocean’s surface awash in pink flotsam.
Globally, hundreds of species of coral engage in primordial rites of mass spawning tied to seasonally warming waters and the lunar cycle."
William J. Broad reports for the New York Times June 20, 2016.
"Coral Bleaching Event Now Biggest In History – And About To Get Worse" (Guardian)
"In Secrets of Coral Spawning, Hope for Endangered Reefs"
Source: NY Times, 06/21/2016