"Senate Passes Legislation Tailored to a Modern Energy Landscape"

"The Senate on Wednesday passed the first broad energy bill since the George W. Bush administration, a bipartisan measure to better align the nation’s oil, gas and electricity systems with the changing ways that power is produced in the United States.

The bill, approved 85 to 12, united Republicans and Democrats around a traditionally divisive issue — energy policy — largely by avoiding the hot-button topics of climate change and oil and gas exploration that have thwarted other measures.

Its authors, Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, chairwoman of the Senate Energy Committee, and Maria Cantwell of Washington, the panel’s ranking Democrat, purposely stepped away from any sweeping efforts to solve or fundamentally change the nation’s core energy challenges."

Coral Davenport reports for the New York Times April 20, 2016.


"The Senate Just Passed — Overwhelmingly — An Actually Bipartisan Energy Bill" (Washington Post)

Editorial: "An Energy Bill in Need of Fixes" (New York Times)

Source: NY Times, 04/21/2016