"Sources: Obama Climate Rollout May Come In July"

"President Barack Obama may be just a month away from releasing the second-term climate change strategy that activists and donors are waiting impatiently for, although the details and timing appear to still be in flux."

"Two former Obama administration officials told POLITICO late Thursday that they have heard that Obama plans to roll out a climate strategy in July. That meshes with the timing some Democratic donors say they have heard from Obama at closed-door fundraisers in recent weeks, according to a report from Bloomberg earlier Thursday evening.

'That is what I heard as well from an informed source,' one former senior administration official told POLITICO.

But some climate donors and strategists say administration officials are still hedging at the timing, and especially the details of what would be rolled out."

Darren Goode reports for Politico June 13, 2013.


"As Obama Moves Forward On Climate, He Faces A Tough Political Task" (Washington Post)

"Obama Tells Keystone Foes He Will Unveil Climate Measures" (Bloomberg)

"U.S. States, Greens Delay Lawsuit, Await Obama Climate Plan" (Reuters)

"Obama Considers Sweeping Climate Plan" (Los Angeles Times)

"Obama Leaves Climate Change-Fighting Tool On Shelf For Now" (Reuters)

"EPA Confirmation Delay Raises Questions About U.S. Carbon Rules" (Reuters)

"Report: Obama Readies July Climate Plan" (E2 Wire/The Hill)

"Obama’s Keystone Silence Is Driving Green-Activists Away" (Bloomberg)

Source: Politico, 06/18/2013