"Supreme Court Denies Claim To Portion Of Yakama Lands"

"SPOKANE, Wash. — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected Klickitat County's claim to a portion of the Yakama Indian Reservation, likely ending a dispute that has raged for more than a century.

The court denied the county's appeal without comment.

Klickitat County had argued that 121,465 acres in the southwestern portion of the reservation, including the eastern half of Mount Adams and the Glenwood Valley, were not actually included when the reservation was created.

“The Supreme Court's decision once again validates the continuing strength of our treaty rights under the United States Constitution,” said Yakama Tribal Council Chairman Delano Saluskin. “The Yakama Nation will never compromise when our treaty is at stake.”"

The Associated Press had the story April 18, 2022.

Source: AP, 04/19/2022