"Supreme Court Leak Strikes Fear Among Environmental Lawyers"

"The leaked draft opinion that signals the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked fear not only among abortion activists, but also environmental lawyers who say the federal government should have expansive legal authority to tackle the climate crisis.

The draft opinion, published by Politico on Monday, indicates that at least five conservative justices are willing to cast aside long-standing precedent to achieve major objectives on the political right, these environmental lawyers said.

That does not bode well, they said, for the Supreme Court's forthcoming decision in West Virginia v. EPA, a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate carbon emissions from the power sector, the country's second-largest source of planet-warming pollution."

Maxine Joselow reports for the Washington Post with Vanessa Montalbano May 4, 2022.


"How Oil and Gas Helped Create the Conservative Supreme Court" (Earther)

"Supreme Court Abortion Ruling Could Have Climate Fallout" (E&E News)

"GOP-Led States Ask Supreme Court To Block Key Biden Climate Accounting Measure" (The Hill)

"Supreme Court May Toss An 'Important Tool' For Regulating Climate Change" (Yahoo! News)

Source: Washington Post, 05/05/2022