Too Many New Coal-Fired Plants Planned For 1.5C Climate Goal: Report

"Number of new plants planned fell last year, but coal-generated electricity rose by 9% to record high"

"The number of coal-fired power plants under development around the world fell last year, but far too much coal is still being burned and too many new coal-fired power plants are planned for the world to stay within safe temperature limits.

Coal use appeared to be in long-term decline before the Covid-19 pandemic, but lockdowns around the world and economic upheaval drove an increase in new coal projects in 2020, particularly in China.

Last year, the total coal power capacity in development fell sharply again, by about 13%, from 525GW to 457GW, a record low for new plants under development, according to a report from Global Energy Monitor published on Tuesday. The number of countries planning new plants also fell, from 41 at the beginning of 2021 to 34 countries."

Fiona Harvey reports for the Guardian April 26, 2022.

Source: Guardian, 04/27/2022