"Trump Reboot Would Threaten Pipeline Methane Rule"

"Sending the former president back to the White House could derail federal efforts to bolster methane leak detection."

"The Biden administration has pushed back its timeline for finishing a rule cracking down on pipeline leaks until next year, leaving it more vulnerable if former President Donald Trump returns to the White House.

Supporters of the leak detection and repair proposal had been pushing the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration to publish a rule in the Federal Register this summer, though they privately expected it to be closer to the end of the year.

Deputy Administrator Tristan Brown, the top Biden appointee at PHMSA, had told a congressional committee earlier this month that it would be complete by the end of the year."

Mike Soraghan reports for E&E News May 28, 2024.

Source: E&E News, 05/30/2024