"U.S. Warns Newly Discovered Malware Could Sabotage Energy Plants"

"Private security experts said they suspect liquefied natural gas facilities were the malware’s most likely target".

"U.S. officials announced Wednesday the discovery of an alarmingly sophisticated and effective system for attacking industrial facilities that includes the ability to cause explosions in the energy industry.

The officials did not say which country they believed had developed the system, which was found before it was used, and they kept mum about who found the software and how.

But private security experts who worked in parallel with government agencies to analyze the system said it was likely to be Russian, that its top target was probably liquefied natural gas production facilities, and that it would take months or years to develop strong defenses against it."

Joseph Menn reports for the Washington Post April 13, 2022.

Source: Washington Post, 04/14/2022