"Four politically vulnerable Senate Democrats are urging U.S. President Barack Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, spotlighting the implications of an election-year decision that may influence which party controls the chamber."
"At a rally yesterday in Washington, Senators Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Mark Pryor of Arkansas joined Republicans, the Canadian ambassador to the U.S., oil-industry lobbyists and labor leaders to call on the administration to authorize the $5.4 billion Canada-U.S. oil pipeline. Two other Senate Democrats who face tough November re-elections -- Mark Begich of Alaska and Kay Hagan of North Carolina -- weren’t at the rally but also have voiced strong support for the project."
Laura Litvan reports for Bloomberg February 5, 2014.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Report Creates Political Headache For Obama" (NPR)
"Greens Warn Base Will Sit Out Election" (E2 Wire/The Hill)
"Broad Coalition Backs Keystone XL Oil Pipeline" (AP)
"Some 300 Rallies Held in Us After State Dept Green Lights Keystone XL" (RT (Russian Government))