SEJournal Online is the digital news magazine of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Learn more about SEJournal Online, including submission, subscription and advertising information.

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SEJ News
SEJ President Jim Detjen looks to increased growth for the society during 1994
The International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ) is created in Dresden
SEJ sets 1994 National Conference in Utah
Southern Journalism awards; Board election results
Cover Story Package
1993 Conference coverage including recaps of panels and plenary sessions; Roger Brown’s write-up on the minority fellows; excerpts from the “Trends” panel and Paul Sullivan’s report on Browner meeting
Anne Filemyr, Antioch College, gives an international perspective on ethics and the education of environmental reporters
Reporters’ Toolbox
Dan Forbush describes “ProfNet,” a computer online service linking journalists to experts at 320 universities and institutions
Meetings, symposia and conventions through March
Green Beat
Contact list of Green Beat correspondents, by state
A state-by-state roundup of dominant issues, exceptional reporting, and developments in academic programs and newsrooms