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Biden Aims to Increase Electric Car Sales By Using Pollution Rules

"President Biden has a two-step strategy to cut tailpipe emissions, the nation’s largest source of greenhouse gases: First, restore the standards to roughly the level set by President Barack Obama. Then, tighten them even further, with an aim of making the electric car the dominant vehicle sold in the United States."

Source: NYTimes, 07/02/2021

"Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Omits Big Climate Measures"

"A deal reached Thursday between President Biden and a bipartisan group of senators for $579 billion in new spending to repair the nation’s roads, rails and bridges does relatively little to fight climate change, an issue that the president has called an “existential threat.”"

Source: NYTimes, 06/25/2021

"'Free-For-All' Used Car Export Threatens Climate Goals"

"Replacing gasoline cars with electric vehicles is a pillar of President Biden's strategy for tackling climate change. But even if the administration sets a deadline to sunset sales of gas-powered passenger vehicles, the export of used cars abroad could stall the global reductions needed to stave off catastrophic warming."

Source: E&E News, 05/20/2021

"Biden Makes Electric Pitch At Ford Plant: 'There's No Turning Back'"

"Visiting the Ford Motor Co. Rouge Electric Vehicle Center Tuesday, President Joe Biden presented an American auto industry at a crossroads, forced to choose between two options: Spend around $174 billion and speed ahead to dominate the burgeoning electric vehicle market, or cede the race to China."

Source: Detroit News, 05/19/2021

'White Gold' Rush: Calif. Lithium In Demand Amid Electric Vehicle Surge

"As demand for electric vehicles heats up, there's concern about a shortage of the key minerals needed to make them. The Biden administration has called for boosting domestic production of such minerals, including lithium for the lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. And that has many hoping for big business in a desolate spot of California's Imperial Valley."

Source: NPR, 04/29/2021

"Dems Push $25B For Electric School Buses, A Biden Priority"

"Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled legislation that would invest $25 billion to convert the nation’s fleet of gasoline- and diesel-powered school buses to electric vehicles, building on a component of President Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan to improve children’s health."

Source: AP, 04/22/2021
