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"Biden's $2T Infrastructure Plan Would Overhaul Grid"

"President Biden will unveil a $2 trillion, eight-year plan today that features efforts to speed up a transition to clean energy, including $100 billion to upgrade the U.S. electric grid and to give the Energy Department more clout in disputes over siting power lines."

Source: E&E News, 04/01/2021

"Biden’s Lesson From Past Green Stimulus Failures: Go Even Bigger"

"As vice president, Joe Biden oversaw a “green jobs” stimulus package that produced notable failures. This time, with more money and more demand for clean technology, will be different, Democrats say."

"WASHINGTON — In September 2009, then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. traveled to a defunct General Motors plant near his hometown, Wilmington, Del., to announce a $528.7 million government loan for Fisker Automotive to make hybrid and electric vehicles.

Source: NYTimes, 03/30/2021

"Maryland Senate Passes Climate Act By Wide Margin"

"The Maryland Senate voted Friday to ramp up Maryland’s efforts to fight climate change over the next decade, passing a sweeping bill that calls for a massive tree planting campaign along with more electric vehicles, rooftop solar panels and energy efficient buildings."

Source: Bay Journal, 03/16/2021

"More Than 50 Companies Have Vowed To Be Carbon-Neutral By 2040"

"There is a quickening rhythm of corporations with big carbon footprints pledging action to combat climate change. And their cascade of splashy announcements spans the worlds of retailing, technology and delivery services. Yet even the prodigious voluntary steps by a portion of the corporate world so far lack the speed, scale or scientific know-how needed to move the thermometer of the warming planet in the right direction."

Source: Washington Post, 03/05/2021
