Search results

"Hungry Grasshoppers Spurred By US Drought Threaten Rangeland"

"Federal agriculture officials are launching what could become their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s amid an outbreak of the drought-loving insects that cattle ranchers fear will strip bare public and private rangelands."

Source: AP, 06/25/2021

St. Croix Refinery That Rained Oil On Neighbors Shuts Down Indefinitely

"Limetree Bay, a massive oil refinery in the Caribbean, announced Monday that it is ceasing operations following a number of catastrophic errors that rained oil droplets on St. Croix, sent residents to emergency rooms after noxious gas releases and raised fears among homeowners that their drinking water was laced with toxic chemicals."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2021

"Study: Half of US Cosmetics Contain Toxic Chemicals"

"More than half the cosmetics sold in the United States and Canada are awash with a toxic industrial compound associated with serious health conditions, including cancer and reduced birth weight, according to a new study."

Source: AP, 06/16/2021
