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Denka Toxic Releases Targeted By St. John Parish Group, EPA Watchdog

"An environmental group is demanding that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency take emergency actions to reduce chloroprene emissions at the Denka Performance Elastomer manufacturing plant in LaPlace and ethylene oxide emissions at two nearby chemical plants, charging that EPA’s own data show nearby minority and low-income residents of St. John the Baptist Parish face the highest risk of cancer in the country."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/11/2021

Chemicals: Biden's 'End Cancer' Pledge Begs For Environmental Oversight

"President Biden pledged last week to 'end cancer as we know it,' a bold promise focused on boosting funding to the National Institutes of Health for a special Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health. ... But public health experts who have spent their careers examining environmental causes of cancer say it may not be possible to truly stop cancer without EPA stepping in."

Source: E&E News, 05/05/2021
