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"Michigan, EPA Announce Plan To Clean Up ‘Green Ooze’ Site"

"DETROIT — Groundwater contamination at the former Electro-Plating services facility that was determined to be the source of a green ooze leak last year will be treated by injecting chemicals into the soil and treating the contaminants in place."

Source: AP, 07/02/2020

"New Hampshire House Passes Tough Drinking Water Standards"

"The New Hampshire House passed a bill Tuesday that would put into law some of country’s toughest drinking water standards for a group of toxic chemicals and provides tens of millions of dollars to help communities in the state meet the rules."

Source: AP, 07/01/2020

Environmental Justice: "St. James Parish Takes on Big Plastic"

"Beneath a searing Louisiana sun, a crowd gathers on a former sugar cane plantation to commemorate Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. Rows of unmarked graves stand nearby—believed to be the resting place of those who’d been enslaved on the plantation. A few people, clad in face masks, hold up a banner: Honoring Our Ancestors. Another sign, staked into the grass, is aimed not at the past, but at the future: FORMOSA: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE."

Source: Hakai, 06/29/2020
