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Clear Warnings Needed: "Hair Dye Cancer Risk Stokes Fear In Black Women"

"Priscilla Graves is a hairstylist with 15 years’ experience straightening and coloring black women’s hair. She has endured bouts of dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing from applying potent chemical straighteners, and regularly deals with distraught clients suffering alopecia and painful blisters after using dyes and lotions specifically marketed to African Americans."

Source: Guardian, 01/10/2020

La. Issues Permits For Complex That Would Double Area's Toxic Emissions

"The state of Louisiana has issued a series of key air quality permits for a gargantuan proposed petrochemical complex that would roughly double toxic emissions in its local area and, according to environmentalists, become one of the largest plastics pollution-causing facilities in the world."

Source: Guardian, 01/08/2020
