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"EPA Offers Another $1B For Superfund Cleanups"

"EPA announced an additional $1 billion will go toward cleaning up the nation’s most contaminated areas under its Superfund program." "The funding will help scrub 25 waste sites and speed cleanups at another 85 existing tracts."

Source: E&E News, 02/28/2024

Tractor Protests Threaten To Drive EU’s Green Farming Policies Into Ditch

"It was the puddles of green sludge left by the tires of massive tractors in western Belgium’s industrial farmlands that drew the attention of biological engineer Ineke Maes. The slime was destructive algae, the result of the excess of chemicals used by farmers to boost their crops, but at a high cost to nature."

Source: AP, 02/27/2024

Dead Livestock And Poisoned Water — Texas Farmers Sue Over PFAS Pollution

"Two Texas farm families have seen their health decline, their pets and livestock sickened and killed, their water poisoned and and their property values wiped out due to high levels of chemical contamination linked to a company marketing treated sewage sludge as a fertilizer and soil conditioner, according to a lawsuit filed by the families."

Source: The New Lede, 02/22/2024

"Supreme Court Likely To Block EPA Ozone Regulation"

"The Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared sympathetic to a group of states, companies, and trade associations seeking to temporarily block a rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce air pollution from power plants and other industrial facilities in 23 states that do not want to adjust their emissions policies."

Source: SCOTUSblog, 02/22/2024
