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EPA Move to Phase Out Animal Tests Could Thwart Toxics Regulation

"The Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with a plan to sharply reduce and ultimately phase out experimental testing on lab animals. In an undated internal memo sent in late June to assistant administrators, EPA chief Andrew Wheeler explained that the agency will cut its funding for experiments on mammals in half by 2025."

Source: The Intercept, 07/05/2019

"U.S. States Sue EPA For Stricter Asbestos Rules"

"Ten U.S. states and Washington, D.C. sued the Environmental Protection Agency to begin working on rules to tighten oversight of asbestos, and reduce the health risks that the substance poses to the public."

Source: Reuters, 07/02/2019

"Wisconsin Battles Waste Plants That Spread Hazardous PFAS"

"Wisconsin wastewater plants were built to keep pollutants out of the environment, but state regulators have come to realize the facilities may be spreading hazardous industrial chemicals in ways that increase health risks."

Source: AP, 07/01/2019
